Boat Angling

The web site for eastern Solent boat fishing

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Bass Closed Season 2024

This is a quick reminder that the Bass Take Season for recreational anglers is closed from 1st February to 31st March. If you catch a bass in this period you must release it immediately, unharmed – preferably by unhooking in the water. From 1st April you can keep up to two bass per angler per day provided they are longer than 42cm. The official details are on the government website but trust me, you’ll be glad I summarised them above.

The Bass Nursery Areas remain in force and include Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester Harbours, and Southampton Water. These are closed for bass fishing from 1st May to 31st October. The areas are defined on the Southern IFCA Website

SMAC Open Cod Competition Results

Finally! First scheduled for 5th November and postponed every Sunday since due to the weather, the SMAC Annual Open Cod Boat Competition was held on Sunday 14th January 2024. The north-westerly wind had a bite to it but we were blessed with a few glimses of the sun during the day. A total of 77 anglers from SMAC, neighbouring clubs including Stamshaw Lake Angling Club, ECA, Langstone Harbour Fishermen’s Association and independent boats took part, fishing from 8am to 4pm.

The competition was simple – who can catch the heaviest cod! The winner takes 60% of the entry fees, second place 30% and runner-up prizes from our sponsors were ready to reward the next in line. If there are insufficient cod (as is the case these days), we then count whiting. Well, all that seems very simple, but fishing wouldn’t be interesting if it was predictable. Despite all the efforts from a lot of very experienced anglers, whiting were nearly as elusive as the cod this year. Whether it was the timing, weather, water colour, alternative food sources or what we don’t know. In the end only one cod – but a nice cod at that – and seven whiting were weighed in (the whiting size limit is 27cm) and even some of those would have been used for bait on previous trips.

Nevertheless, as whiting they counted and despite their diminutive size they scored well on the prize table. Club Chairman Steve Kelly announced the prizewinners, and Dan Lumsden the 2022 prize winner made the presentations. Here is the winning roster:

  1. Bob Blades (Why Not) Cod 9lb 6oz – Stamshaw Lake Angling Club
  2. Richard Pack (Wingin It) Whiting 1.52lb SMAC and Best Placed Member Cup
  3. Kev Johnson (Reel Lucky) Whiting 0.94lb SMAC
  4. Luke Scott (Boxer Fish) Whiting 0.54lb SMAC
  5. Dan Lumsden (Sea Jay) Whiting 0.44lb SMAC (presented by Pan Eckersall)
  6. Jim Atkins (Reel Therapy) Whiting 0.42lb SMAC
  7. Chris Ellis (Miss Molly) Whiting 0.40lb SMAC
  8. Freddie Hack (Lady ‘D’) Whiting 0.36lb

In addition, we award two bonus prizes, for the top weight entered by a Lady and a top weight entered by a Junior (under 16). In the event, neither entered any fish so we awarded the plaque anyway for taking part:

  • Ladies Cup: Pam Eckersall
  • Junior Cup: Toby Challinor

You may have noticed that we promised a much larger prize table anticipating more fish to be weighed in. The prizes that would have been awarded for 9th place and onwards will be carried forward and added to the prize table for our next Open Competition which will be the Bream Competition hopefully on the first Sunday in May, weather permitting.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors who donated prizes: Premier Marinas; SMDAC; Baits ‘R Us; Victory Gas and Heating; Cosham Angling; Prestige Plumbing; Southsea Marina Bar; Fish-On Tackle; Brutish Big Game Fishing; Sportsman’s Knight Charters and SF Marine.

We look forward to welcoming our visiting competitors back in May!

SMAC Meeting January 2024

Happy New Year everyone! Our first meeting of 2024 and our last meeting of the 2023 Season was held a week later than usual because of the New Year break. Despite a conspiracy between the icy weather and the Eastern Road shenanigans we had a good turnout of our core supporters.  Steve opened the meeting as usual with an update of the Club Standings, which are listed below. We have just three weeks to go in our SMAC Season and still plenty of time for changes at the top, particularly Cod and Species competitions.

Fish Of The Month was awarded to Kev Johnson for his impressive 12lb bass (pictured).

Steve gave us copies of the local Tide Tables, and if you want to download your own you can do so here.

The Cod Competition rollover date is 14th January, and as the  weather forecast stands at the moment we could be in luck this time.

In brief Marina news, the Southsea Manager Peter Pring is moving back to HQ, and the new manager will be announced very soon. The shed situation seems to be still unresolved, so we are hoping it will be top of the agenda for the new manager. We will also be renewing our contact with Premier PR and Marketing, in the hope that we can jointly kick-start some RYA Active Marina activity after the recent lapse.

Our next meeting will be our AGM on Tuesday 6th February at 7pm in the Marina Bar. This is the one meeting in the year where we can review rules, appoint or reappoint the Committee Members and consider suggestions for changes. If you have anything you would like to raise at the AGM, please could you message or email Steve Kelly beforehand so we can give sufficient consideration to your suggestions. Thank you and see you soon!


The SMAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held following our usual monthly SMAC meeting on Tuesday 6th February  at 7pm in the Marina Bar. This is our once-a-year opportunity to review or change our club rules, appoint or re-appoint club committee members and agree planned club expenditure based on expected membership fees. The current SMAC Rule Sheet is on the noticeboard, our SMAC web page and below.

The committee is made up of:

  • Chairman (all that Steve Kelly does)
  • Deputy Chairman and Competition Officer (Steve’s back-up. The current one is also writer-in-residence and cook)
  • Commodore (Club strategy, external relations, chairing major meetings, prize-giving)
  • Treasurer (watching what Steve does with club money)
  • Social Secretary (sending club notices around)

Sadly the position of Treasurer is vacant, as our late dear friend Bill Arnold who in addition to  raffle ticket seller extraordinaire and odd-job man was also our SMAC Treasurer.

If you would like to discuss any changes or support proposed rules and committee members, please come along to the AGM at 7pm on Tuesday 6th February in the Marina Bar. If you would like to propose any changes please could you message or email Steve Kelly in advance to give sufficient time to review before the meeting.

Annual Subscriptions of £20 per adult member will be due from February for the 2024 season. To be eligible for membership, you must be a berthholder, family member or guest crew linked to a berthholder member.

Catch Report December 2023

This is the usual story of wind and rain putting paid to most weekend’s fishing, and a few bright spots midweek allowing the flexibly employed and lucky retired anglers to take advantage of those rare weather windows. The photo gallery below makes it look like it was a calm December, but believe me it wasn’t. Even the calmer days were mostly very murky. The SMAC Cod Open Competition was postponed from one weekend to the next and we still have to find a suitable Sunday in January.

In terms of catches, it has been rather predictable if you know your Solent seasons. Hordes of dogfish of course, plus some bigger pout among the usual pack. Whiting are plentiful, and some good pan-sized fish among them. Regular followers will know I don’t like conger, and these have been out on their winter prowls gobbling bait and even grabbing hooked fish. If you like conger, you can enjoy catching up to 30 pounders even fairly close to shore.

More welcome are the very occasional cod, and each one is something to celebrate these days whatever the size. Most are in single figures but we did hear of an 18-pounder. Other catches were generally made up of rays, bass and further afield, some good pollock and bass on the wrecks.

One slightly bizarre spoof was a huge seatrout which turned up on the shore of Southampton Water, but on further investigation it was a dead spent fish that was washed up, not caught. It shows they are there though.

Finally, we said farewell to Bill Arnold whose funeral was on 27th December. Bill was a lifelong angler, Pompey supporter and all-round good chap. His son Lewis, who happens to be the Newhaven RNLI cox mechanic, gave a wonderful eulogy at his service. He said “if you wanted anything, just call Bill”. It’s had to believe we can’t call Bill anymore. He was very much a part of SMAC and did a huge amount for the club. We did give him a very good sendoff though, in several locations.

SMAC Mandela Cup Competition Christmas 2023

We traditionally fish this club competition between Christmas and the New Year (I’m told the new term for this is Twixmas), for the largest singe cod, or whiting. Boat caught, winner takes all. Well, these are our rules and we can change them if we like so we did. This has always been a social event and this year it became more social then ever, because the weather was awful and everyone wanted the social event anyway. Rather than postpone, we decided to fish the event in and around the marina and cod being unlikely, the prize would go to the most fish caught.

Colds, Covid and family pressures had depleted our expected lineup but despite that, 12 hardy anglers braved wind, rain and lack of worms to fish for four hours for the Mandela Cup. Some decided to snuggle down in the shelter of their cockpits, others risked a wetting and lost hats to fish from the holding pontoon and marina shores. After a few false starts involving crabs, Dan set the hare running with a surprisingly decent wrasse. Ray challenged with a bass that must have hatched yesterday, Pete found another wrasse hiding under the pontoon and Luke scored with a bass that wasn’t at all bad for a marina catch.

The result was a neat tie for all four, sharing the prize pool of £30 which must have lasted all of one round in the bar. After the celebrations, there had been a plan to continue to a curry venue but history doesn’t record whether that actually happened. Anyway, congratulations to all those who fished and well done the winners. Hopefully we can get back to boat fishing and cod chasing with the postponed Open Cod Competition in January.

SMAC Meeting December 2023

Tonight we drank a toast to the memory of a dear friend and SMAC member, Bill Arnold who passed away last week. Bill was a huge supporter of the club and did a lot of practical work behind the scenes to help. He was a regular contributor at our meetings, a fearsome seller of raffle tickets and of course a very competitive angler. We will miss him terribly.

To recognise his contribution to the club, there is a proposal to create a new prize which will be announced at the Presentation Night. Bill himself had the idea for both the award and the construction of the prize itself, so it will be nice to see it all come together.

We had a great turnout to the meeting and there was a lot to talk about. The Club Standings are listed below – Dan Lumsden leads (by one point) the Species Competition, the Bass Cup has changed hands and we have a new leader in the Cod Pool. It’s all still happening! The Bass Season remains open until the end of the SMAC year now, so there will be no early finishes.

Fish Of The Month was awarded to the larger of two cod entered, Tony Skinner’s cod of 8lb 5oz.

The Open Cod Competition still hasn’t happened due to the weather, and if it is postponed again on 10th the next possible Sunday (due to committee availability, Christmas and New Year) will be 7th January.

We have had very positive messages of support from Premier Marinas so we are hopeful that this will extend to more storage facilities and other practical measures. In turn, SMAC will continue to attract new members and new berth holders for them!

The Mandela Cup competition will be held on Saturday 30th December, to be followed by our traditional annual curry. This time it will be at one of the Albert Road establishments in Southsea. Details and a poll of members intending to go will be circulated separately.

Our Presentation Night will be held on Saturday 2nd March in the Marina Bar. This year the cost of glass prize replicas has increased considerably, so instead we will be giving out vouchers from our two main tackle shop sponsors, Fish-On and Cosham Angling.

The January meeting will be held a week later than normal due to New Year, so we’ll see you on 9th January 2024.

October and November 2023

Oh dear. After the lovely weather we had in September, we have lost so many fishing days to the weather that I have had to roll two months into one. On the plus side my boat is back in the water, but if the last two short trips were anything to go by the summer species seemed to be moving off and the winter run of whiting hadn’t really started. Towards the end of November things started looking up and some codling and whiting started to feature in catches. Big conger are on their winter prowl so what you hope is a good cod is usually one of these.  The best cod reported so far are up to around 18lbs with most in single figures. Bass and rays make up the rest of the notable catches (ignoring dogfish of course). The SMAC Open Cod Competition has been postponed due to bad weather for several weeks in a row, but hopefully we will be able to report on that next month.

Catch Report September 2023

September was gloriously sunny which was good news for me as my boat is out of the water for some serious work. Hopefully it will be completed before the weather breaks. Calm late summer evenings are when we look for sole, and the SMAC Sole Night was very successful. Plenty of sole were caught, although mostly very small. Bites came from sunset to darkness,  then it went quiet so it was time to go home.  As you can see from the photo gallery there were plenty of the usual Solent species caught this month, plus a very good turbot for Steve Tambling. Squid can be caught from rocky marks. Bream seem to stay on later and later in recent years, and what was once a September run of codling doesn’t seem to happen. We’ll see if any turn up next month!

Langstone and Chichester Harbours Seal Survey

Help please! This survey is being conducted by the University of Portsmouth as a part of a Marine Biology undergraduate project about seals, their threats, conservation, and the public’s attitudes towards them in the Solent. The project is being run by Isabelle Barnsley, BSc Marine Biology student at the University of Portsmouth and she is hoping to include local club members and local berth holders in her research into the interaction between the resident seal population and leisure use of the Harbours.

If you would like to take part, please follow this link: Seal Survey

If you have any questions of comments you can contact Isabelle on the email address in the flyer below.

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