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Category: Catch Reports 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

December 2024 Catch Report

This month’s report is rather restricted because firstly, the weather was mostly foul and secondly, when we could fish we had the SMAC Mandela Cup and Open Cod Competition which have already been written up separately.

However, I did receive a very interesting catch report from David Cox which is worth featuring here in full:

” I’ve not posted a report for a while but thought you would like to know that my last fish of the season was a Blue Skate. It was a Juvenile of around 10lbs. It was thin with little in it’s belly but looked in good health.  Caught not far from the Nab and went back safely. A great end to the season.

I hear the odd one has been caught along south Coast e.g Chesil. They are pretty rare and can live up to 100 years growing up to 300lb. They catch them up in Northern Ireland and Scotland. I remember as a little school boy on the Isle of Wight, some 60 years ago, of the odd one being caught off the end of Ryde Pier.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has come across them in the Solent area. This juvenile’s parents must be lurking in the Solent somewhere!”

That’s one that I haven’t seen yet on our SMAC Species Hunt list! Thank you for the report David. If anyone wants to contribute a catch report you are always very welcome. Just message or email me

SMAC Open Cod Competition 2024

After the usual multiple postponements it was a relief when the 29th December was forecast to be calm, if rather misty. Everyone was probably desperate to get out fishing after the festivities and we had a tremendous turnout of 82 anglers fishing from 44 boats. The on-line entry option proved very popular for the Hayling, Portsmouth and Island anglers attracting 34 competitors from further afield.

The target was cod, and failing that a decent whiting but both have proven elusive in previous years. However this year was a record with 10 cod weighed in leaving only five places to be made up with whiting. None were huge specimens but as long as they were above the MLS they counted!

We fished between 8am and 4pm with weigh-in at Southsea Marina by 5:30pm. The Marina Bar had kindly stayed open just for us, and we made good use of the facility while waiting for the results to come in. And here they are!

  • 1st place: Liam Smith, cod 6lb 8oz
  • 2nd place: Jamie Eyes, cod 4lb 4oz
  • 3rd place: Neville Merritt, cod 4lb 3oz (and Best Placed SMAC Member)
  • 4th place: Steve Kelly, cod 3lb 6oz
  • 5th place: Tim Challinor, cod 3lb 5oz
  • 6th place: Joseph Challinor, cod 3lb 4oz
  • 7th place: Tony Connor, cod 3lb 1oz
  • 8th place: Jon Challinor, cod 2lb 15oz
  • 9th place: Tim Ward, cod 2lb 12oz
  • 10th place: Luke Scott, cod 2lb 10oz
  • 11th place: Josh Reynolds, whiting 1.88lb
  • 12th place: Dennis Fuller, whiting 1.46lb
  • 13th place: Jim Taw, whiting 1.44lb
  • 14th place: Neil Glazier, whiting 1.30lb
  • 15th place: Chris Jewell, whiting 1.24lb

There were no claims for Junior or Ladies Bonus Prizes.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors who donated prizes: Premier Marinas; SMDAC; Baits ‘R Us; Victory Gas and Heating; Cosham Angling; Prestige Plumbing; Southsea Marina Bar; Fish-On Tackle; British Big Game Fishing; Sportsman’s Knight Charters, Newnham Builders and Mark Oldfield Plumbing and Gas Service.

We would also like to thank the Marina Bar staff who stayed on to serve us both days this weekend, Ruper Bremer of Southsea Marina who also stayed around to help manage the berthing of a lot of boats, Steve Kelly for all the organising and most of all, the anglers who made this competition such a great event.

Watch out for three SMAC Open Competitions in summer 2025: Bream, Species and a new one – Bass!

SMAC Meeting December 2024

As I’m away on holiday, I’m writing this from notes provided. Hopefully it’s a sufficiently accurate record!

Current Club Competition Standings: please see listing below.

Fish Of The Month: won by Pam Eckersall for a Blonde Ray of 25lb!

Cod Pool, currently 41 entries and you have Darren Price’s fish of 7lb 10oz to beat.

The Cod Open Competition rolls on Sunday by Sunday due to the adverse weather. Hopeully the latest fixture of 29th December will stick.

Nelson Mandela Cup will be fished on 28th December. This is a club-only friendly.

The new Bass Open Competition will be held on 6th July. This will be based on length, and fish rulers will be provided.

Presentation Night is on 15th March

Our annual Curry Night has the thumbs up – a date to be confirmed in January.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7pm in the Marina Bar.

October 2024 Catch Report

Feature fish of the month seems to be bass, and plenty of good fish were caught. We have very healthy stocks in the Eastern Solent, and the catch restrictions on commercial and recreational fishing plus the protected nursery areas seems to be working. The Closed Season for bass fishing in the harbour nursery areas is now over until the end of April 2025 when it comes into force again.

We seem to be seeing more large Bull Huss this year. The Inter-Club Competition was won by Ray Plomer for LHFA with a Bull Huss of 12lb 10oz.

Most marks were plagued with dogfish and small conger, which seem to be as prolific as ever. A few whiting and even fewer codling showed up, and we are hoping there will be a lot more by the middle of November for the SMAC Open Cod Competition.

Finally, squid fishing is becoming more and more popular. Both squid and cuttlefish can be caught on squid lures from boats over broken or rocky ground, from harbour walls and even steeper beaches in calm weather. Some large specimens have been caught along the coast including Portsmouth and Solent approaches.

September 2024 Catch Report

September was a very wet month although that shouldn’t matter on the sea which is already wet. However, wet weather is usually accompanied by windy weather which does matter because that’s what stops us going out fishing. You can tell when a lot of boat anglers are frustrated by the weather by the number of political memes circulating on our chat forums instead of fish pictures.

That sounds gloomy but there were fishable days and fish were caught. September is a strange month because the warm days feel like an extension of summer: plaice, mackerel and bream are still around whereas the colder days warn of the switch to winter species with the arrival of squid and a few early codling.

As a result, catch reports were a real mixed bag with the regulars of rays, bass and bull huss plus some plaice, gilthead bream, brill and even red mullet. Stray codling were reported as early as late August.

By October the mackerel will be heading off although some are usually still around until November. Towards the end of the month we should see some whiting although in recent years they have been arriving well into November. We have a good stock of bass which will still be active and shoaling around the baitfish over banks and harbour entrances. We usually have a visit from trigger fish which are always good for the species count. In fact, for the next month or two almost anything can turn up so have a go, and do share your catch reports here!

July/August Catch Report 2024

Holidays got in the way of a July Catch Report so here’s a combined edition for the last two months. We were blessed with some great days for boat fishing with relatively calm weather and warm sunshine. Calmer seas and smaller tides meant that some boats could push well out into the Channel, while others still enjoyed great sport but closer to home.

Every summer we hear the same comments: “Where are the mackerel?” and then “There’s loads of mackerel!” It’s true that they can be fickle and locations unpredictable. Where we used to find huge shoals and anything shiny would catch, now the fish are more scattered and feed more selectively but there are still plenty to be caught. You may need to use better quality feathers than the crude strings that were once reliable and also search around to find feeding fish but you should still be able to stock up when needed.

Summer catch reports usually include bass, tope, smoothhound, rays, bream, mullet and huss, with 2024 being no exception. All have been caught and made anglers very happy. Gilthead Bream have featured in more catches recently and they grow to a larger size than Black Bream. There are some impressive fish in the gallery below caught by Peter Churchill (3-6), Wayne Comben (4-7) and Ken Barton (5-9).

Sole need to be deliberately targeted and a calm summer night is the ideal time – if you can find the right mark. Baits need to be hard on the bottom and a lead at each end of the trace helps to keep them the baits in the right place.

You never really know when a codling might appear towards Autumn and one has just scraped into this month’s Report – from the Langstone Run of all places.

Mullet appear in late Spring but are difficult to catch at that time because they are feeding on micro-organisms. Later in Summer they start eating other things including our discarded scraps and this is when you can catch them on baits like bread flake and sweetcorn. I wouldn’t want to eat a mullet that knows what sweetcorn is though.

The Solent area has an amazing variety of species and this makes Species Hunt competitions great fun. We have visits from shoals of herring, and these can even be caught right in the harbours. Tuna have been sighted right by The Forts, and I won’t be surprised if sooner or later one is hooked. That would be a great one for a Species Hunt! I know a spider crab doesn’t count in a Species Hunt but I thought you would like to see an impressive one caught by Mark Banks.

SMAC Species Competition 2024

This is one of only three Open Competitions that SMAC organises, and although the summer fixture has to compete with family holidays, it is probably the one with the most chances of winning because you can catch multiple species right here in the harbour! Even expert anglers sometimes find it hard to collect enough species on the day.

The day dawned rather foggy, but after a tentative start the sun broke through and 22 anglers in 13 boats took part. Proof of the sun was the sea of pink faces in the Marina Bar for prizegiving. The aim is to catch the most species, with a tie-break scoring system and failing that, a roll of the dice. We used all three methods to come up with the prize winners. By tradition, last year’s winner gives out the prizes and as Peter Churchill won last year and is hotly contended by Dan Lumsden for all species hunts, the results were going to be interesting.

We had no Junior entries so the bonus prize was the Ladies Prize won by Pam Eckersall with 3 species.

Here is the final tally:

1st Dan Lumsden – 11 species
2nd Peter Churchill – 9 species
3rd Steve Tambling – 8 species tie-break score 17
4th Neville Merritt – 8 species tie-break score 9
5th Luke Scott – 7 species tie-break score 12
6th Tim Ward – 7 species tiebreak score 5
7th Michael Chapman – 6 species
8th Kev Laverick – 5 species tiebreak score 4
9th Terry Webster – 5 species (dice)
10th Dave Chapman – 5 species (dice)

Ladies Bonus Prize Pam Eckersall

Our thanks as always to our prize sponsors including: Premier Marinas, Cosham Angling, Baits ‘R Us, Fish-On Bait & Tackle, Newnham Builders, SMDAC, Prestige Builders, Sportsman’s Knight, British Big Game Charters and the Marina Bar – and many thanks also to our Club Chairman Steve Kelly for organising yet another very successful event.

Catch Report June 2024

June was a mixture of days with heavy rain and days with glorious sunshine and calm seas. Perfect fishing weather! Earlier in the month there was a distinctive bloom of algae in the water and this was conveniently blamed for poor catches, particularly nearer shore. Nevertheless catches were made. Those bottom fishing were rewarded with the usual dogfish plus the more welcome rays, smoothhound, bream and bass. Mackerel made a slow appearance with some days being more productive than others. Tope are also still around although the larger females will have given birth to pups and moved on. Plaice now seem to be as scarce as cod and regarded as a bonus rather than worth targeting.

Bass are around in good numbers for those keen on lure fishing, either drifting over the banks or following the seabirds and fishing near the surface. Shoals of bass are particularly active in the late summer evenings and good sport can be had with light tackle.

Mullet are prevalent in harbours and marinas. Earlier in the year they are difficult to catch as they spend their time sucking tiny creatures off weed. From now on they are easier to catch because their diet will extend to scavenging, and floating bread will be as good a bait as any.

Further offshore, bass and pollack feature on the reefs and wrecks. It’s a bit of a steam and results are not guranteed, but as you can see from the photo gallery, it is worth persevering.

Catch Report May 2024

We had a busy May in Southsea Marina. The SMAC Bream Competition was actually fished on the first planned day, which is unusual because the weather is usually against us. We had a great turnout, and you can read the full report here. The following Saturday, Premier Southsea Marina hosted the SAC Meet & Fish event which attracted boats from further afield. Despite this, SMAC members carried off two of the top five prizes. You can read the report here.

As you will see from the Bream Competition report, there are plenty of bream around. Most fish west of Selsey Bill are up to the pound and a half mark, for larger fish you will need to head further east or south.

The SAC Meet & Fish event targeted tope, smoothhound, bass, bream and rays. We were very pleased to see plenty of tope around from early May and some of them very large indeed. Harry Chandler boated a tope of 62lbs fishing from Harvest Moon (British Big Game Charters – heading photo) which is a record for them, and Peter Churchill’s tope in the SAC event was the largest they have ever recorded in their competitions which they score by length, at 160cm.

There are plenty of large smoothhound around now as well. Bass are shoaling up to chase baitfish and good sport can be had with lures. In the past, these shoaling bass were just small schoolies but now there are some good fish among them which adds to the anticipation.

Sadly the plaice that were once worth a few trips from March to May have been very thin on the ground, and if they were found at all were of a very small size. Some mackerel have been caught but we are still waiting for the arrival of mackerel, garfish and scad in their usual seasonal numbers.

I expect June to be a great month, particularly if we have a good supply of mackerel for bait, BBQ and sport on light tackle.

SMAC Bream Competition 2024

Sunday 5th May 2024 will go down in history as the time the SMAC Bream Competition actually took place on the scheduled date! After weeks of very variable weather we were delighted that the weekend forecast was reasonably settled, and a total of 56 anglers set out for eight hours of intense competition. Unlike our Cod Competition where cod are hard to find, there’s no shortage of bream in May and the question is only – how big?

Bream fishing is a combination of knowing where the big ones are likely to be, and the right tackle and methods.  As the day progressed and the weather changed from sun to drizzle and back again, news of catches started to come in. We knew that the winners would have to land fish of over 3lbs.

Steve Kelly officiated at the club weighing scales and a number of good fish were weighed. The leaderboard kept changing as better and better fish were weighed in but finally we drew the line at 6:30pm and the prize table was allocated. We had 14 prizes in all, plus bonus prizes for top Lady and top Junior.

The presentation was held as usual in the Marina Bar which was by then packed with anglers, each with a pint and a distant gaze. It had been a long and tiring day. Steve brought us all to attention at 7pm and the prize-giving began. The results were as follows, and photos are in the gallery below. Weights are in pounds decimal as the margins between fish can be very small!

1st – Mark Oldfield (winning £350): 3.10lb
Top Lady – Pam Eckersall: 0.86lb
Top Junior – Toby Challinor; 1.32lb
2nd – Dan Lumsden: 3.08lb
3rd – Steve Andrews: 2.94lb
4th – John Evans: 2.60lb
5th – Pete Churchill: 2.54lb
6th – Kevin Johnson: 2.50lb
7th – Mark Argyle: 2.48lb
8th – Luke Scott: 2.44lb
9th/10th Draw – Lee and Ryan Whitcome: 2.36lb each
11th/12th Draw – Steve Tambling and Wayne Comben: 2.18lb each
13Th – Paul Brindley: 2.10lb
14th – Tony Skinner: 2.08lb

We are very grateful for the prizes donated by our sponsors: Premier Marinas, Cosham Angling, Fish-On Bait and Tackle, Baits’R’Us, Victory Heating, Southsea Marina Disabled Angling Club, Prestige Plumbing, Sportsmans Knight, British Big Game Charters, Newnham Builders, Brian van Daal and our hosts the Marina Bar.

We would also like to thank all our helpers and of course all the competitors without which these events wouldn’t be half as much fun. Plus of course whoever is organising the weather, and to top off the day we were treated to an amazing display of rainbows.

Watch out for our next SMAC Open Competition which will be the Species Hunt in the summer.

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