The web site for eastern Solent boat fishing

Author: Neville Merritt (Page 1 of 40)

Owner of and
Author of "Angling Boats"
Director of Pure Potential Development Ltd

SMAC Meeting January 2025

Our January meeting was followed by our annual Curry Night in the Bombay Brasserie upstairs, which was a great incentive to turn out on a freezing night. With less than a month to go before our club season closes, those with prize positions on the Club Standings will be keeping an anxious eye on them. See below for a few surprising changes (mainly because I caught something worth weighing!)

Fish Of The Month was dominated by cod, mostly from the Cod Competition but Darren Price knocked all those down with his pre-competition cod of 7lb 10oz. Congratulations Darren.

We had a quick update on recent competitions: Mandela Cup won by John Wearn and the Cod Open Competition, best-placed Member (me) coming third. These are both written up individually, see links for details.

We had more discussion on the new Bass Open Competition planned for 6th July. This will be based on length so competitors must use a standard fish rule like the Tronixpro which we gave to members when the new bass regulations were first introduced. We have a number of options including: Competitors have to source and register their own rulers when signing up; we tap up Tronixpro to sponsor the event or we add to cost to the entry fee as a deposit. We will also have to think of the logistics of this if competitors sign up on-line, and we may also have to introduce a distance limitation. For example, 15nm from Langstone Fairway would be easy to check on a plotter, and would cover the Solent, Selsey and marks out to the Overfalls.

Steve suggested we revive our programme of guest speakers for the coming Winter meetings. A talk by a local diver and a talk on engine trouble-shooting at sea were suggested, and these will be followed up by members to see if the people involved would be interested.

The suggestion of purchasing two promotional banners for use at our Club and Open events was suggested and approved. The design will include a QR code for contact details. These will be purchased in time for our Presentation Night on 15th March.

Finally, Steve passed on responses from our previous questions to Premier. They will consider installing a tender and kayak rack and are also considering a lift/scrub/launch budget price deal for members.

There being no AOB, 12 of us retired upstairs for a good curry, beer and banter. Thanks John for organising.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 4th February, 7pm in the Marina Bar.

Neville Merritt

December 2024 Catch Report

This month’s report is rather restricted because firstly, the weather was mostly foul and secondly, when we could fish we had the SMAC Mandela Cup and Open Cod Competition which have already been written up separately.

However, I did receive a very interesting catch report from David Cox which is worth featuring here in full:

” I’ve not posted a report for a while but thought you would like to know that my last fish of the season was a Blue Skate. It was a Juvenile of around 10lbs. It was thin with little in it’s belly but looked in good health.  Caught not far from the Nab and went back safely. A great end to the season.

I hear the odd one has been caught along south Coast e.g Chesil. They are pretty rare and can live up to 100 years growing up to 300lb. They catch them up in Northern Ireland and Scotland. I remember as a little school boy on the Isle of Wight, some 60 years ago, of the odd one being caught off the end of Ryde Pier.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has come across them in the Solent area. This juvenile’s parents must be lurking in the Solent somewhere!”

That’s one that I haven’t seen yet on our SMAC Species Hunt list! Thank you for the report David. If anyone wants to contribute a catch report you are always very welcome. Just message or email me

SMAC Open Cod Competition 2024

After the usual multiple postponements it was a relief when the 29th December was forecast to be calm, if rather misty. Everyone was probably desperate to get out fishing after the festivities and we had a tremendous turnout of 82 anglers fishing from 44 boats. The on-line entry option proved very popular for the Hayling, Portsmouth and Island anglers attracting 34 competitors from further afield.

The target was cod, and failing that a decent whiting but both have proven elusive in previous years. However this year was a record with 10 cod weighed in leaving only five places to be made up with whiting. None were huge specimens but as long as they were above the MLS they counted!

We fished between 8am and 4pm with weigh-in at Southsea Marina by 5:30pm. The Marina Bar had kindly stayed open just for us, and we made good use of the facility while waiting for the results to come in. And here they are!

  • 1st place: Liam Smith, cod 6lb 8oz
  • 2nd place: Jamie Eyes, cod 4lb 4oz
  • 3rd place: Neville Merritt, cod 4lb 3oz (and Best Placed SMAC Member)
  • 4th place: Steve Kelly, cod 3lb 6oz
  • 5th place: Tim Challinor, cod 3lb 5oz
  • 6th place: Joseph Challinor, cod 3lb 4oz
  • 7th place: Tony Connor, cod 3lb 1oz
  • 8th place: Jon Challinor, cod 2lb 15oz
  • 9th place: Tim Ward, cod 2lb 12oz
  • 10th place: Luke Scott, cod 2lb 10oz
  • 11th place: Josh Reynolds, whiting 1.88lb
  • 12th place: Dennis Fuller, whiting 1.46lb
  • 13th place: Jim Taw, whiting 1.44lb
  • 14th place: Neil Glazier, whiting 1.30lb
  • 15th place: Chris Jewell, whiting 1.24lb

There were no claims for Junior or Ladies Bonus Prizes.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors who donated prizes: Premier Marinas; SMDAC; Baits ‘R Us; Victory Gas and Heating; Cosham Angling; Prestige Plumbing; Southsea Marina Bar; Fish-On Tackle; British Big Game Fishing; Sportsman’s Knight Charters, Newnham Builders and Mark Oldfield Plumbing and Gas Service.

We would also like to thank the Marina Bar staff who stayed on to serve us both days this weekend, Ruper Bremer of Southsea Marina who also stayed around to help manage the berthing of a lot of boats, Steve Kelly for all the organising and most of all, the anglers who made this competition such a great event.

Watch out for three SMAC Open Competitions in summer 2025: Bream, Species and a new one – Bass!

Mandela Cup 2024

“And the winner is…”

It’s hard to create as much drama as the Oscars when announcing the annual Mandela Cup winner but hey, it’s an important milestone in the SMAC calendar. Traditionally fished between Christmas and the New Year as a friendly within the club, we have often had to fish from the marina pontoons when the weather was bad. This year we were blessed with calm conditions even if they were misty and cold too.

We were aiming for the biggest cod but predictably, they didn’t come out to play. 10 anglers in five boats chased whiting as a substitute, “and the winner is….” – wait, you’ve already seen the photo. So much for the big reveal. John Wearn with a whiting of 1lb 1 oz wins him the £25 prize pot, plus of course the actual Mandela Cup at the annual Presentation Night at the end of the season. Congratulations John!

SMAC Meeting December 2024

As I’m away on holiday, I’m writing this from notes provided. Hopefully it’s a sufficiently accurate record!

Current Club Competition Standings: please see listing below.

Fish Of The Month: won by Pam Eckersall for a Blonde Ray of 25lb!

Cod Pool, currently 41 entries and you have Darren Price’s fish of 7lb 10oz to beat.

The Cod Open Competition rolls on Sunday by Sunday due to the adverse weather. Hopeully the latest fixture of 29th December will stick.

Nelson Mandela Cup will be fished on 28th December. This is a club-only friendly.

The new Bass Open Competition will be held on 6th July. This will be based on length, and fish rulers will be provided.

Presentation Night is on 15th March

Our annual Curry Night has the thumbs up – a date to be confirmed in January.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7pm in the Marina Bar.

October 2024 Catch Report

Feature fish of the month seems to be bass, and plenty of good fish were caught. We have very healthy stocks in the Eastern Solent, and the catch restrictions on commercial and recreational fishing plus the protected nursery areas seems to be working. The Closed Season for bass fishing in the harbour nursery areas is now over until the end of April 2025 when it comes into force again.

We seem to be seeing more large Bull Huss this year. The Inter-Club Competition was won by Ray Plomer for LHFA with a Bull Huss of 12lb 10oz.

Most marks were plagued with dogfish and small conger, which seem to be as prolific as ever. A few whiting and even fewer codling showed up, and we are hoping there will be a lot more by the middle of November for the SMAC Open Cod Competition.

Finally, squid fishing is becoming more and more popular. Both squid and cuttlefish can be caught on squid lures from boats over broken or rocky ground, from harbour walls and even steeper beaches in calm weather. Some large specimens have been caught along the coast including Portsmouth and Solent approaches.

SMAC Meeting November 2024

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November….well, we didn’t. Our meeting clashed with thousands of people flocking to Southsea Common for the fireworks, so the members that braved the journey spent more time looking at tail-lights than sitting in the SMAC meeting. Anyway, many thanks to those that made it!

Steve opened the meeting presenting a long overdue prize to Terry Webster. We couldn’t actually remember at the time what the prize was for, but on checking it was for 9th place in the Open Species Competition this summer.

Next was the current Standings, these are listed below. It only takes a fish or two to juggle the placings, so all still to play for. Well done Pam for 20 Species, that’s a clear lead and possibly a record for our Ladies Species Cup.

Congratulations again to Ray Plomer who won the Inter-Club competition with a Bull Huss of 12lb 10oz. Although he was fishing for LHFA, this also earned Ray Best Placed SMAC Member and for good measure November Fish Of The Month.

Our next competition is the Cod Open on Sunday 17th November, rolling forward Sunday by Sunday if the weather doesn’t cooperate. It will probably be on the same day as the ECA Cod Competition which adds to the fun.

The Cod Pool stands at 36 entries and no cod yet, so that’s a good pot and a very low bar so far!

The Mandela Cup will be fished on Saturday 28th December. This is a fun social competition, theoretically for cod (or whiting) but if the weather is bad we fish from the marina and retire to the bar when we have had enough – in this case Rule 2 is invoked and any fish count. Rule 3 is when no fish are caught, and we decide on the spot how to allocate the prize.

The date for the Presentation Night has moved to Saturday 15th March 2025 due to a clash of bookings, so please update your diaries so you don’t miss the best night of the year.

Looking further ahead we are planning a Bass Open Competition, pencilled in for 6th July 2025. This will be based on length not weight (optional Catch & Release). We will need to source and supply Official Rulers which is being investigated.

On the topic of rulers, we were reminded that Dr. Christina Hunt still needs photos of your catches with a ruler please, so her AI Fish Measuring Bot can have some practice.

Finally, those that attended the Shark and ray Tagging talk at the ECA on Monday were surprised to learn that this research has shown that sharks and rays don’t breed every year. Tope are likely to breed every other year, smoothhound every three years and rays can breed every five years. We never knew that.

Next meeting is Tuesday 3rd December, 7pm to 8pm (Winter Hours) at the Marina Bar as usual.

Reminder: Dr. Christina Hunt needs fishy photos!

At the September SMAC Monthly Meeting we had a guest talk from Dr Christina Hunt from the University of Portsmouth. She outlined two current projects: seabed mapping and a fish-length AI development project. She nows has a volunteer for the seabed mapping but still needs lots of fish photos with rulers, so her AI program can “learn” how to measure fish from a photo. I admit I keep forgetting, but if you catch a fish please can you take a photo of it next to a fish-length ruler and send to Christina at ?

Thank you!

P.S. You can still add your boat to the Seakeepers Discovery Yacht Programme if you would like to be involved in future research projects

September 2024 Catch Report

September was a very wet month although that shouldn’t matter on the sea which is already wet. However, wet weather is usually accompanied by windy weather which does matter because that’s what stops us going out fishing. You can tell when a lot of boat anglers are frustrated by the weather by the number of political memes circulating on our chat forums instead of fish pictures.

That sounds gloomy but there were fishable days and fish were caught. September is a strange month because the warm days feel like an extension of summer: plaice, mackerel and bream are still around whereas the colder days warn of the switch to winter species with the arrival of squid and a few early codling.

As a result, catch reports were a real mixed bag with the regulars of rays, bass and bull huss plus some plaice, gilthead bream, brill and even red mullet. Stray codling were reported as early as late August.

By October the mackerel will be heading off although some are usually still around until November. Towards the end of the month we should see some whiting although in recent years they have been arriving well into November. We have a good stock of bass which will still be active and shoaling around the baitfish over banks and harbour entrances. We usually have a visit from trigger fish which are always good for the species count. In fact, for the next month or two almost anything can turn up so have a go, and do share your catch reports here!

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