Things have been quiet on here for the first few months on 2023 because unfortunately there hasn’t been much to report. The start of the year is always slow and many angling boat owners take advantage of that but lifting for annual maintenance, and not missing much in the process. The weather hasn’t been particularly cooperative either. However, people have fished and people have caught. Spring is heralded by the arrival of plaice, although nothing like as plentiful as they once were. Some have been caught, although mostly small and all thin from spawning. They will fatten up over the next couple of months. We usually expect the bream to follow as the larger ones move to inshore rocky marks to spawn. Again, some have been caught but we are still waiting for them to arrive in the usual numbers. Hopefully they will arrive in time for the SMAC Open Bream Competition on 7th May. The bass season is now fully open after an extended closed season, caused by aligning the recreational and commercial seasons. Two fish of 42cm and above may be retained per angler per day until the end of January 2024. Anglers pushing out to the Channel wrecks have caught some good pollack and the occasional cod. The first tope and smoothhound have been boated from the deeper marks, so I expect by May we will see better catches of bream, bass, plaice, smoothhound and tope. Meanwhile the residential rays and conger have been making up catches so there’s always something to catch if the weather is kind.
Category: Catch Reports 2023 (Page 2 of 2)
The last one-day competition of the 2022/3 season, the Mandela Cup was finally fished on Saturday 28th January. We usually try and fish this Club competition during the Christmas break but, perhaps predictably, the weather wasn’t cooperating. However, Saturday was a huge improvement with almost no wind initially and calm, clear conditions. A northerly wind kept it chilly but it is January after all.
The Mandela Cup is a simple, winner-takes-all competition for the largest single cod, and if no cod, the largest whiting. There were 16 entries fishing from 7 boats, giving a prize pool of £40. Usually at this time of year we would expect the last run of sizeable whiting before the much smaller fish stay around to raid our baits. However, this was not to be. Despite the rod tips nodding to conger, dogfish, small whiting and even plaice, the large whiting were scarce and the cod scarcer still. Most anglers assumed other boats were landing larger whiting and small whiting were being thrown back. In the end, the largest whiting actually weighed in was 12oz making Tim Andrews the Mandela Cup Winner.
Although winning is one thing, the social aspect of our club competitions is another. Helped by an early finish time for this competition there was plenty of time for celebration and reflection in the Marina Bar afterwards. Our thanks to all competitors who took part, Michelle Plomer for handing out the cup at the prize ceremony and Steve Kelly for his immaculate organisational skills, as usual.
Until next season!
Next SMAC Event is the AGM on Tuesday 7th February at 6.30pm in the Marina Bar.