Finally! First scheduled for 5th November and postponed every Sunday since due to the weather, the SMAC Annual Open Cod Boat Competition was held on Sunday 14th January 2024. The north-westerly wind had a bite to it but we were blessed with a few glimses of the sun during the day. A total of 77 anglers from SMAC, neighbouring clubs including Stamshaw Lake Angling Club, ECA, Langstone Harbour Fishermen’s Association and independent boats took part, fishing from 8am to 4pm.
The competition was simple – who can catch the heaviest cod! The winner takes 60% of the entry fees, second place 30% and runner-up prizes from our sponsors were ready to reward the next in line. If there are insufficient cod (as is the case these days), we then count whiting. Well, all that seems very simple, but fishing wouldn’t be interesting if it was predictable. Despite all the efforts from a lot of very experienced anglers, whiting were nearly as elusive as the cod this year. Whether it was the timing, weather, water colour, alternative food sources or what we don’t know. In the end only one cod – but a nice cod at that – and seven whiting were weighed in (the whiting size limit is 27cm) and even some of those would have been used for bait on previous trips.
Nevertheless, as whiting they counted and despite their diminutive size they scored well on the prize table. Club Chairman Steve Kelly announced the prizewinners, and Dan Lumsden the 2022 prize winner made the presentations. Here is the winning roster:
- Bob Blades (Why Not) Cod 9lb 6oz – Stamshaw Lake Angling Club
- Richard Pack (Wingin It) Whiting 1.52lb SMAC and Best Placed Member Cup
- Kev Johnson (Reel Lucky) Whiting 0.94lb SMAC
- Luke Scott (Boxer Fish) Whiting 0.54lb SMAC
- Dan Lumsden (Sea Jay) Whiting 0.44lb SMAC (presented by Pan Eckersall)
- Jim Atkins (Reel Therapy) Whiting 0.42lb SMAC
- Chris Ellis (Miss Molly) Whiting 0.40lb SMAC
- Freddie Hack (Lady ‘D’) Whiting 0.36lb
In addition, we award two bonus prizes, for the top weight entered by a Lady and a top weight entered by a Junior (under 16). In the event, neither entered any fish so we awarded the plaque anyway for taking part:
- Ladies Cup: Pam Eckersall
- Junior Cup: Toby Challinor
You may have noticed that we promised a much larger prize table anticipating more fish to be weighed in. The prizes that would have been awarded for 9th place and onwards will be carried forward and added to the prize table for our next Open Competition which will be the Bream Competition hopefully on the first Sunday in May, weather permitting.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors who donated prizes: Premier Marinas; SMDAC; Baits ‘R Us; Victory Gas and Heating; Cosham Angling; Prestige Plumbing; Southsea Marina Bar; Fish-On Tackle; British Big Game Fishing; Sportsman’s Knight Charters and SF Marine.
We look forward to welcoming our visiting competitors back in May!