To commemorate the launch of Dave and Caroline’s charter venture, DoinTheDo, we are running a competition though June 2018 to find the best photograph featuring fish!

First prize: a full day fishing on DoinTheDo, donated by Dave and Caroline

Runners-up prizes: DoinTheDo Swag bags containing DoinTheDo goodies, donated by Dave and Caroline.

How to enter: send your photographs to either as a Catch Report or separately as a competition entry. We will also have scouts out looking for likely winners in the local Solent Facebook groups!

What we are looking for: imaginative photographs showing the beauty of fish or the joy of fishing. Try different angles, close-ups, action shots, fish in the water – anything that shows fish and fishing at its best.

Entries close at midnight on 30th June. Winners will be notified the following week.

Good Luck!
