“And the winner is…”

It’s hard to create as much drama as the Oscars when announcing the annual Mandela Cup winner but hey, it’s an important milestone in the SMAC calendar. Traditionally fished between Christmas and the New Year as a friendly within the club, we have often had to fish from the marina pontoons when the weather was bad. This year we were blessed with calm conditions even if they were misty and cold too.

We were aiming for the biggest cod but predictably, they didn’t come out to play. 10 anglers in five boats chased whiting as a substitute, “and the winner is….” – wait, you’ve already seen the photo. So much for the big reveal. John Wearn with a whiting of 1lb 1 oz wins him the £25 prize pot, plus of course the actual Mandela Cup at the annual Presentation Night at the end of the season. Congratulations John!