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SMAC Open Cod Competition 2024

After the usual multiple postponements it was a relief when the 29th December was forecast to be calm, if rather misty. Everyone was probably desperate to get out fishing after the festivities and we had a tremendous turnout of 82 anglers fishing from 44 boats. The on-line entry option proved very popular for the Hayling, Portsmouth and Island anglers attracting 34 competitors from further afield.

The target was cod, and failing that a decent whiting but both have proven elusive in previous years. However this year was a record with 10 cod weighed in leaving only five places to be made up with whiting. None were huge specimens but as long as they were above the MLS they counted!

We fished between 8am and 4pm with weigh-in at Southsea Marina by 5:30pm. The Marina Bar had kindly stayed open just for us, and we made good use of the facility while waiting for the results to come in. And here they are!

  • 1st place: Liam Smith, cod 6lb 8oz
  • 2nd place: Jamie Eyes, cod 4lb 4oz
  • 3rd place: Neville Merritt, cod 4lb 3oz (and Best Placed SMAC Member)
  • 4th place: Steve Kelly, cod 3lb 6oz
  • 5th place: Tim Challinor, cod 3lb 5oz
  • 6th place: Joseph Challinor, cod 3lb 4oz
  • 7th place: Tony Connor, cod 3lb 1oz
  • 8th place: Jon Challinor, cod 2lb 15oz
  • 9th place: Tim Ward, cod 2lb 12oz
  • 10th place: Luke Scott, cod 2lb 10oz
  • 11th place: Josh Reynolds, whiting 1.88lb
  • 12th place: Dennis Fuller, whiting 1.46lb
  • 13th place: Jim Taw, whiting 1.44lb
  • 14th place: Neil Glazier, whiting 1.30lb
  • 15th place: Chris Jewell, whiting 1.24lb

There were no claims for Junior or Ladies Bonus Prizes.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors who donated prizes: Premier Marinas; SMDAC; Baits ‘R Us; Victory Gas and Heating; Cosham Angling; Prestige Plumbing; Southsea Marina Bar; Fish-On Tackle; British Big Game Fishing; Sportsman’s Knight Charters, Newnham Builders and Mark Oldfield Plumbing and Gas Service.

We would also like to thank the Marina Bar staff who stayed on to serve us both days this weekend, Ruper Bremer of Southsea Marina who also stayed around to help manage the berthing of a lot of boats, Steve Kelly for all the organising and most of all, the anglers who made this competition such a great event.

Watch out for three SMAC Open Competitions in summer 2025: Bream, Species and a new one – Bass!

SMAC Meeting December 2024

As I’m away on holiday, I’m writing this from notes provided. Hopefully it’s a sufficiently accurate record!

Current Club Competition Standings: please see listing below.

Fish Of The Month: won by Pam Eckersall for a Blonde Ray of 25lb!

Cod Pool, currently 41 entries and you have Darren Price’s fish of 7lb 10oz to beat.

The Cod Open Competition rolls on Sunday by Sunday due to the adverse weather. Hopeully the latest fixture of 29th December will stick.

Nelson Mandela Cup will be fished on 28th December. This is a club-only friendly.

The new Bass Open Competition will be held on 6th July. This will be based on length, and fish rulers will be provided.

Presentation Night is on 15th March

Our annual Curry Night has the thumbs up – a date to be confirmed in January.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 7th January 2025 at 7pm in the Marina Bar.

SMAC Meeting November 2024

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November….well, we didn’t. Our meeting clashed with thousands of people flocking to Southsea Common for the fireworks, so the members that braved the journey spent more time looking at tail-lights than sitting in the SMAC meeting. Anyway, many thanks to those that made it!

Steve opened the meeting presenting a long overdue prize to Terry Webster. We couldn’t actually remember at the time what the prize was for, but on checking it was for 9th place in the Open Species Competition this summer.

Next was the current Standings, these are listed below. It only takes a fish or two to juggle the placings, so all still to play for. Well done Pam for 20 Species, that’s a clear lead and possibly a record for our Ladies Species Cup.

Congratulations again to Ray Plomer who won the Inter-Club competition with a Bull Huss of 12lb 10oz. Although he was fishing for LHFA, this also earned Ray Best Placed SMAC Member and for good measure November Fish Of The Month.

Our next competition is the Cod Open on Sunday 17th November, rolling forward Sunday by Sunday if the weather doesn’t cooperate. It will probably be on the same day as the ECA Cod Competition which adds to the fun.

The Cod Pool stands at 36 entries and no cod yet, so that’s a good pot and a very low bar so far!

The Mandela Cup will be fished on Saturday 28th December. This is a fun social competition, theoretically for cod (or whiting) but if the weather is bad we fish from the marina and retire to the bar when we have had enough – in this case Rule 2 is invoked and any fish count. Rule 3 is when no fish are caught, and we decide on the spot how to allocate the prize.

The date for the Presentation Night has moved to Saturday 15th March 2025 due to a clash of bookings, so please update your diaries so you don’t miss the best night of the year.

Looking further ahead we are planning a Bass Open Competition, pencilled in for 6th July 2025. This will be based on length not weight (optional Catch & Release). We will need to source and supply Official Rulers which is being investigated.

On the topic of rulers, we were reminded that Dr. Christina Hunt still needs photos of your catches with a ruler please, so her AI Fish Measuring Bot can have some practice.

Finally, those that attended the Shark and ray Tagging talk at the ECA on Monday were surprised to learn that this research has shown that sharks and rays don’t breed every year. Tope are likely to breed every other year, smoothhound every three years and rays can breed every five years. We never knew that.

Next meeting is Tuesday 3rd December, 7pm to 8pm (Winter Hours) at the Marina Bar as usual.

Catch Report June 2024

June was a mixture of days with heavy rain and days with glorious sunshine and calm seas. Perfect fishing weather! Earlier in the month there was a distinctive bloom of algae in the water and this was conveniently blamed for poor catches, particularly nearer shore. Nevertheless catches were made. Those bottom fishing were rewarded with the usual dogfish plus the more welcome rays, smoothhound, bream and bass. Mackerel made a slow appearance with some days being more productive than others. Tope are also still around although the larger females will have given birth to pups and moved on. Plaice now seem to be as scarce as cod and regarded as a bonus rather than worth targeting.

Bass are around in good numbers for those keen on lure fishing, either drifting over the banks or following the seabirds and fishing near the surface. Shoals of bass are particularly active in the late summer evenings and good sport can be had with light tackle.

Mullet are prevalent in harbours and marinas. Earlier in the year they are difficult to catch as they spend their time sucking tiny creatures off weed. From now on they are easier to catch because their diet will extend to scavenging, and floating bread will be as good a bait as any.

Further offshore, bass and pollack feature on the reefs and wrecks. It’s a bit of a steam and results are not guranteed, but as you can see from the photo gallery, it is worth persevering.

SMAC Presentation Night March 2024

Saturday 2nd March marked the culmination of the SMAC and SMAC Fishing Year – the Presentation of Awards! Members and guests crowded in to the Marina Bar, lured I expect by a free drink and the Big Raffle. By the start of the ceremonies the room was rammed. After a welcome by SMAC Chairman Steve Kelly, SMDAC Chairman John Wearn thanked everyone in both clubs who had contributed so much to our enjoyment in the past season. We had a lot to get through including some very special guests – more of that below. I’ll list the prize winners in turn, with a carousel of photos below each section.

First up was SMDAC, and prizes were presented by John Wearn:

  • Best Cod (or whiting) on Lady Elsa: John Calton
  • Best Specimen (Undulate Ray 15lb): Frank Chatfield
  • Most Species: Frank Chatfield
  • Silver Fish Cup: John Calton
  • Largest Fish From Lakes (Mirror Carp 24lb 4oz): John Wearn
  • Mixed Lakes Cup: Frank Chatfield
  • George Dominy Memorial Shield: Frank Chatfield
  • Pier and Beach Cup: Ben Munday
  • Combination Cup: Frank Chatfield
  • Champion Runner-Up: John Calton
  • Club Champion: Frank Chatfield

Or loyal band of helpers from SMDAC also folded 1,223 raffle tickets while they were waiting!

We then had a bit of a catch-up of monthly prizes and Angling Trust Specimen Fish Certificates which were presented by Rupert Bremmer from Southsea Marina:

  • Luke Scott – Fish Of The Month (Brill 3lb 4oz – August)
  • Kev Johnson – Fish Of The Month (12lb Bass – January)
  • Mark Banks – Specimen Bream
  • Stuart Newall – Specimen Bream
  • Neil Glazier – Specimen Undulate Ray
  • Peter Kinchin – Specimen Smoothhound

The next round of awards were for the SMAC annual cups also presented by Rupert, plus a new award which I’ll leave to the end because it is rather special.

  • Pollack Cup: Darren Price
  • Turbot/Brill Cup: Steve Tambling
  • Ladies Cup: Eleanor Atkins
  • Junior Cup: Jack Dickson
  • Catch & Release Cup: Peter Kinchin
  • Best Specimen: Kev Johnson
  • Species Hunt: Joint Winners Peter Churchill and Dan Lumsden
  • Junior Species: Jack Dickson
  • Ladies Species: Pam Eskersall
    (and it was Pam’s birthday so we all sang Happy Birthday)
  • Cod Pool: Runner up Tim Andrews, winner Dan Lumsden
  • Nelson Mandela Cup: Shared between Ray Plomer, Luke Scott, Peter Churchill and Dan Lumsden
  • Open Cod, Best Placed Member: Richard Pack
  • Open Species, Best Placed Member: Peter Churchill
  • Open Bream, Best Placed Member: Steve Tambling
  • Plaice Cup: Dan Lumsden
  • Bream Cup: Stuart Newall
  • Bass Cup: Kev Johnson
  • Cod Cup: Dan Lumsden
  • Pairs Cup: Dan Lumsden and Steve Tambling
  • Runner Up Club Champion: Mark Banks
  • Club Champion: Dan Lumsden

There was one familiar face (and voice) that was sadly missed at this Presentation Night – Bill Arnold, who passed away last year. However, great friends may be gone but they are never forgotten, and Bill will stay with us through a new Bill Arnold Memorial Trophy. This will be awarded to the member who has made a significant contribution in some way during the season. The trophy itself was made by Peter Kinchin from Bill’s old reel, Bill’s old oak and bronze bearings from Kev Johnson. We were very honoured to have Bill’s Mum, sister Mary and brother Eddie with us to present the prize. After a very moving speech from Mary in which she thanked the club for giving Bill such enjoyment and company over the years, she then awarded the trophy to Luke Scott.

On 11th November, Luke was out fishing when he noticed smoke coming from a 58-foot power boat. He raced over at full throttle and was just in time to help the two crew members who had scrambled into a partly inflated life raft. Luke was able to pull them away from the blazing powerboat and kept the casualties calm until the RNLI arrived on scene to take over.  This dramatic rescue was later covered by local TV news. Luke certainly deserves recognition for his bravery in this rescue and I’m sure Bill would have been very proud that Luke was awarded the Bill Arnold Memorial Trophy this year.

Finally, after a break for more drinks, pizza and chips we reassembled for the final event of the evening: The Big Raffle. Dan Lumsden and Eleanor Atkins had done a wonderful job raising £1,223.00 in ticket sales and of course this was only possible through the generosity of all those present. We had a great prize table, from club hats to rods and reels plus prizes donated from SMDAC, British Big Game Fishing and John Jones.

It was a fabulous evening and it was great to celebrate all the successes and share happy memories from the past season. Steve Kelly did an amazing job of both organising the event and compering. The Marina Bar staff provided warm and patient hospitality and all members and guests joined in to make it a very memorable Presentation Night 2024.

Now the dials are set back to zero and it’s all to play for through the next season!


The SMAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held following our usual monthly SMAC meeting on Tuesday 6th February  at 7pm in the Marina Bar. This is our once-a-year opportunity to review or change our club rules, appoint or re-appoint club committee members and agree planned club expenditure based on expected membership fees. The current SMAC Rule Sheet is on the noticeboard, our SMAC web page and below.

The committee is made up of:

  • Chairman (all that Steve Kelly does)
  • Deputy Chairman and Competition Officer (Steve’s back-up. The current one is also writer-in-residence and cook)
  • Commodore (Club strategy, external relations, chairing major meetings, prize-giving)
  • Treasurer (watching what Steve does with club money)
  • Social Secretary (sending club notices around)

Sadly the position of Treasurer is vacant, as our late dear friend Bill Arnold who in addition to  raffle ticket seller extraordinaire and odd-job man was also our SMAC Treasurer.

If you would like to discuss any changes or support proposed rules and committee members, please come along to the AGM at 7pm on Tuesday 6th February in the Marina Bar. If you would like to propose any changes please could you message or email Steve Kelly in advance to give sufficient time to review before the meeting.

Annual Subscriptions of £20 per adult member will be due from February for the 2024 season. To be eligible for membership, you must be a berthholder, family member or guest crew linked to a berthholder member.

Catch Report July 2023

After record temperatures in May and June, we had an inconvenient Jet Stream up in the air somewhere that blocked the warm air from the Continent and channelled a string of depressions across the UK. Net result: wind, rain and very little fishing. A lucky few picked their moments carefully and made some trips out, often very early before the wind picked up. They gave us a taste of what we should all have been enjoying in a “normal” summer month in the Eastern Solent: bass, rays, the occasional wandering conger and bream. It’s very encouraging to see that there are larger bream staying on again this year giving good sport on light tackle. In previous years the fish worth catching swam off after breeding, leaving their little brothers to spend the summer nibbling away at baits too big for them. You may also be as skilled (or lucky) as Luke Scott and boat a decent brill – see the photo gallery below.

This year has also been good for mackerel so far, with plenty being caught by the boats that managed to get out. They don’t seem to be holding on the usually reliable marks so my advice is to just follow the gulls! They have been everywhere from the 100 foot deep main channel to 10 feet of water inshore.

One catch oddity was an Angel Shark reported just up the coast from us. Not really in our area but near enough to get the Species Hunters excited! And on that subject, don’t forget the SMAC Open Species Competition scheduled for Sunday 13th August, from Southsea Marina. Details here.

Have a look at our photos, thanks to Stuart Newell, Steve Kelly, Tim Andrews, Tony Dickson, Jim Atkins and John Dennis for contributing.

Catch Report October 2022

Rather a short report this month mainly because there isn’t anything particularly remarkable among local catches to report unfortunately. Although the occasional small codling has been boated, the flood of whiting we would have expected to arrive simply haven’t materialised. The weather and water temperatures remain warmer than usual for the season so that probably has a lot to do with it.

In the meantime anglers have been occupying themselves with catching the usual rays and bass which are always a feature of catches in the area. I have added an extract from the Shark Trust ray Identification Guide here.

Squid arrive here in larger numbers in Autumn, although you can catch them all year round. Most squid anglers fish from the shore but squid can be caught over rocky marks and wreckage if conditions are right. Judging by the reports from the shore boys, there seems to be a good run of squid this year.

In other news…not strictly from the Eastern Solent but as it features one of our club boats and some of our club members it deserves mention: SMAC member Stuart Newell of British Big Game Fishing has been very successful catching the amazing blue fin tuna off the Cornish coast under an official tag and release scheme. Kev Johnson and Lol Summers (both SMAC members) joined Stuart and their fish of a lifetime catches are featured in the photos below.

The SMAC Open Cod Competition has been rolled forward to allow more cod and whiting time to arrive. Watch out for updates on revised competition dates.

SMAC Open Species Competition August 2022

After being postponed from 31st July due to adverse wind conditions we were all delighted that the reserve date of 14th August held good, and the competition was ON! With executive direction from last year’s winner Bill Arnold, and ably organised by Steve Kelly, the competition attracted entries from SMAC, surrounding clubs and others.

The objective of the competition was to catch as many different fish species between 8am and 6pm, and proof of catch was a photograph before the fish were returned to the sea.  As you might expect, several anglers vying for a prize position caught the same number of species and in anticipation of that Steve had devised a clever scoring system which weighted the most likely species to be caught according to rarity. Mackerel, dogfish and pout for example scored zero as they pretty much give themselves up. Turbot on the other hand scored 10. We’d all like to catch more turbot!

Fishing ended at 6pm, the final count was closed at 6:30pm and the winners were announced at 7pm.

In reverse order, the overall winners were:

12th Steve Kelly 3 species 0 points
11th Eleanor Atkins 3 species 0 points ( Ladies Trophy winner)
10th Ken Farmer 3 species 5 points
9th Steve Andrews 3 species 7 points
8th Ray Plomer 3 species 7 points
7th Chris Ellis 4 species 0 points
6th Luke Scott 5 species 0 points
5th Lloyd Jones 6 species 0 points
4th Dan Lumsden 11 species 12 points
3rd Bill Arnold 11 species 22 points
2nd Pete Churchill 12 species 12 points
1st Wayne Comben 13 species 20 points

One of Wayne’s species was a 20lb stingray, a personal best and not a fish anyone expected to see on the list! Congratulations to Wayne Comben, Competition Trophy winner and also to Eleanor Atkins, the Ladies Trophy winner. There were no Junior entries.

It was a great day in glorious weather. We would like to thank all our sponsors for their generous donations of prizes: Victory Gas & Heating; Normark UK; Baits R Us; Fishon Bait and Tackle; SMDAC; British Big Game Fishing; Newnham Builders; Cosham Angling; Sportsmans Knight; Anglers Edge; Marina Bar.

Photos from Steve Andrews and Steve Kelly.

Langstone Report August 2019

July can be a bit of an in-between month in the eastern Solent area, and as a result catches can be unpredictable. Not that fishing is ever predictable! One day can be very productive, the next day can be very quiet. This year the fishing seems to be following a similar pattern. The spring and early summer run of species including plaice, bream and tope have been slowly moving away. Mackerel, once the reliable summer visitor providing fresh bait, food for the BBQ and fun for casual angers have been very patchy. One day can produce a boxful, another day just a few. Maybe they will arrive in greater numbers later on.

The huge variety of fish and fishing in this area means that there will always be something to catch, although you may have to adapt your tactics and locations accordingly. The Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester harbours hold a good stock of large mullet. Heber Crawford and Luke Scott show the size of fish available, and they fight very hard on light tackle. The deeper harbour marks around wrecks and obstructions are worth trying for wrasse and you can find hard-fighting fish there as big as you will find on the reefs further out. Heber Crawford tempted this 5lb 2oz wrasse on a soft lure. If you know where to look, there are also seatrout entering brackish water and Heber Crawford tempted this impressive specimen with the traditional Mepps spoon.

The plaice have moved to the summer marks and John Evans shows what is out there. You need bright colours to attract plaice, and John has taken this literally. There are still some good tope around although not in the numbers we were catching earlier.  Richard Shirazian shows a 48lb fish which is good for this time of year. We will probably be catching a lot of small pack tope through the summer.

The reliable local species are smoothhound and rays. Team Crawford were out again, Archie shows a junior specimen of 14lbs and brother Heber Junior holds a very pretty undulate ray. Dad Heber Senior really needs to take up photography as a career, his photographs are superb. There are plenty of bass around but not so many turbot, and they managed to bag both.

Further out on the mid Channel wrecks and reefs boats are finding bass and pollack. Kev Johnson, Mark Banks, Tim Andrews and John Jones show pollack to 14lb and bass to 8lb. Every summer, thresher shark are sighted and with much perseverance, some are caught. This one caught by Vince Rogers was estimated at 65lb and quickly released.

As regular readers of this report will know, we celebrate the angling achievements of the entire age range. Levin Bellinger, aged only 5, caught this 2lb 14oz bream which I am embarrassed to report is bigger than any I have caught this year.

Meanwhile, the Southsea Marina Disabled Angling Club continue to show that experience counts. They fish from their boat Lady Elsa, and to accommodate the less able-bodied they also fish from piers and in lakes. As this is a sea angling paper we will draw a discrete veil over their freshwater activities and show you John Leythorne’s nice undulate ray.

Next month I’ll let you know whether we managed to catch enough mackerel for the Southsea Marina Angling Club BBQ!

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